Physician Assistant

General Counsel FAQs

Is a supervising physician required to sign-off on all records of patients treated by a physician assistant?
How many physician assistants can be supervised by a supervising physician when located at different practice locations?
How many physician assistants can be supervised by a supervising physician when both the PA and supervising physician practice at the same location?
Can a physician assistant prescribe a controlled substance?
Can a physician assistant dispense prescription-only medications to a patient?
Is a physician co-signature required for a physician assistant’s orders and/or prescriptions.
What are the requirements for a physician assistant to practice at a different location from their supervising physician?
Is there a specific distance range a supervising physician must maintain when a physician assistant is practicing at a different practice location?
Can a physician assistant own a professional corporation or professional LLC?
How does a supervising physician and/or physician assistant terminate their supervisory relationship?
Can a physician assistant perform acts that constitute the practice of podiatry, and work under the supervision of a DPM?

This message is from the Office of the General Counsel who represents the Board. The Office of the General Counsel does not render legal advice or services to private individuals or entities. All statements are intended as general guidance to hypothetical questions and do not necessarily represent the position of the Board. No warranties or representations are made regarding the completeness or adequacy of the information provided. Information on the Board’s website is general guidance, not legal advice, and does not establish an attorney-client relationship.  For individualized advice on a particular topic, please consult independent legal counsel.