Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine

Licensing FAQs

What is the process to become a licensed Chiropractic Doctor in Kansas?
What license types and statuses are available for Chiropractic Doctors in Kansas?
What are the fees for an initial Chiropractic Doctor application?
How are fees paid?
How long does the application process take?
When are wallet cards sent?
When do Chiropractic Doctor licenses expire?
What is the process to renew a Chiropractic Doctor license?
What are the renewal fees?
What are the continuing education (CE) requirements?
What happens if a license is not renewed by December 31st?
What happens if a license is not renewed by January 31st?
What is the process to reinstate a license that is Cancelled – Failure to Renew?
Are Chiropractic Doctors required to have professional liability insurance (malpractice insurance)?
What is the process to change a license status?
What is the process to change an address with the Board?
What is the process to change a name with the Board?

This message is from the Office of the General Counsel who represents the Board. The Office of the General Counsel does not render legal advice or services to private individuals or entities. All statements are intended as general guidance to hypothetical questions and do not necessarily represent the position of the Board. No warranties or representations are made regarding the completeness or adequacy of the information provided. Information on the Board’s website is general guidance, not legal advice, and does not establish an attorney-client relationship.  For individualized advice on a particular topic, please consult independent legal counsel.