M.D. & D.O. Licensure Types/Designations

Type Statute Information
Active KSA 65-2809
Engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery. Required to complete continuing education, maintain professional liability insurance, and be compliant with the Kansas Health Care Stabilization Fund.
Inactive KSA 65-2809 Not engaged in the practice of the healing arts and does not hold oneself out to the public as being professionally engaged in such practice. Not required to maintain continuing education, maintain professional liability insurance or be compliant with the Kansas Health Care Stabilization Fund.
Exempt KSA 65-2809 Does not regularly engage in the practice of healing arts and does not hold oneself out to the public as being professionally engaged in such practice. Entitled to all the privileges of their branch of the healing arts and (1) may serve as a coroner or as a paid employee of a local health department as defined by K.S.A. 65-241; or (2) practice as a charitable health care provider for an indigent health care clinic as defined by K.S.A. 75-6102. May perform administrative functions. Not required to maintain continuing education, maintain professional liability insurance, or be compliant with the Kansas Health Care Stabilization Fund.
Federal Active KSA 65-2809 Engaged in the practice of healing arts solely in the course of employment or active duty in the United States government or any of its departments, bureaus or agencies or who, in addition to such employment or assignment, provides professional services as a charitable health care provider as defined under K.S.A. 75-6102. Required to complete continuing education. Not required to have professional liability insurance or be compliant with the Kansas Health Care Stabilization Fund.
Reentry Active KSA 65-2809 Under an approved reentry plan, reentering the active practice of medicine and surgery. Required to complete continuing education, maintain professional liability insurance, and be compliant with the Kansas Health Care Stabilization Fund.
Visiting Clinical Professor KSA 65-28,124 A visiting clinical professor license is issued to a person that is under contract with the University of Kansas Medical Center or one of its affiliated private practice foundations to provide patient care and clinical teaching at the University of Kansas Medical Center or at one of the affiliated private practice foundations. The license is valid only for the practice of medicine and surgery at the University of Kansas Medical Center or at one of the affiliated private practice foundations at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Physicians who are defined as full time physician faculty employed by the University of Kansas Medical Center are not eligible for a visiting clinical professor license. Licensees are required to have professional liability insurance in compliance with Kansas law.
Temporary Visiting Professor license KSA 65-28,100 A visiting professor temporary license is issued to a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery in another state, territory, the District of Columbia or another country; and is employed by the University of Kansas School of Medicine or by a licensed medical care facility which is engaged in the education of medical students, nurses, physicians' assistants or other paramedical personnel, is offering an approved postgraduate program or is engaged in the continuing education of its medical personnel. The visiting professor temporary license shall be valid only during the period in which the holder is employed by the University of Kansas School of Medicine or by a licensed medical care facility and such license shall be valid only for the practice of medicine and surgery which is required to perform the professorship.
Military KSA 48-3402 A military license is issued to a person who is in the military service (active duty in the army national guard, coast guard or any branch of the military reserves of the United States) and for six months following release therefrom. No licensee shall be required to pay a renewal fee, submit a renewal application, obtain continuing education or meet other conditions to maintain a license while such licensee is in the military service. No military license shall expire, lapse or be canceled, revoked or suspended because of the failure to timely renew such license, including the failure to meet any conditions prerequisite to renewal, during the period of military service. A licensee who desires to engage in or practice an occupation or profession in Kansas after their release from military service shall submit, within 6 months after such release, and prior to engaging in or practicing such occupation or profession in Kansas, the renewal and fee for the current license period must be submitted. The license of a licensee who fails to complete the appropriate forms may be canceled, revoked or suspended in accordance with the applicable law. A licensee who is required by law to obtain continuing education as a condition prerequisite to renewal of a license shall be given a one-year period of time for fulfillment of such continuing education requirement, such period of time to commence on the date the licensee submits the fee and completed forms.
Temporary permit KSA 65-2811 A temporary permit is issued to a person making application for a license, who meets the required qualifications for a license and who pays to the board the temporary permit fee. A temporary permit shall authorize the permittee to practice within the limits of the permit until the license is issued or the license is denied by the board.
Postgraduate permit KSA 65-2811 The postgraduate permit is issued to a person to practice the appropriate branch of the healing arts in their postgraduate training program but shall not authorize the permittee to engage in the private practice of the healing arts. The postgraduate permit is only valid during the period in which the permittee is enrolled in their postgraduate program.
Limited permit KSA 65-28,125 A limited permit is issued to a person who holds a degree from a healing arts school; is duly licensed and in good standing to practice the same branch of the healing arts in another state, territory, or the District of Columbia; has not previously been licensed in Kansas; and will provide professional services in this state only as a charitable health care provider as defined under K.S.A. 75-6102 and amendments thereto. Each limited license may be renewed annually.
Temporary Education License KSA 65-28,123 A temporary education license is issued to any person who: (1) Holds a degree from an accredited school of medicine or an accredited school of osteopathy; (2) is licensed to practice medicine and surgery in another state, territory, the District of Columbia or another country; and (3) is enrolled in a continuing medical education program conducted by the University of Kansas School of Medicine or other continuing medical education program offered by a medical care facility affiliated with the University of Kansas School of Medicine or offered by a medical care facility which is an accredited osteopathic hospital. The temporary education license is valid only during the period in which the licensee is enrolled in the continuing medical education program and shall be valid only for the practice of medicine and surgery required to fulfill the requirements of the continuing medical education program. Professional liability insurance that is in compliance with Kansas law is required.
Institutional License KSA 65-2895 A institutional license is issued to a person employed by any institution within the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services, employed by any institution within the Department of Corrections or employed pursuant to a contract entered into by the Department of Aging and Disability Services or the Department of Corrections with a third party. Once employed for a least 3 years, the licensee may be employed to provide mental health services in the employ of a Kansas licensed community mental health center, or one of its contracted affiliates, or a federal, state, county or municipal agency, or other political subdivision, or a contractor of a federal, state, county or municipal agency, or other political subdivision, or a duly chartered educational institution, or a medical care facility licensed under K.S.A. 65-425 et seq, and amendments thereto, in a psychiatric hospital licensed under K.S.A. 75-3307b and amendments thereto, or a contractor of such educational institution, medical care facility or psychiatric hospital, and whose practice, in any such employment, is limited to providing mental health services, is a part of the duties of such licensee's paid position and is performed solely on behalf of the employer; or [if holder was issued an institutional license prior to May 9, 1997, and is] providing mental health services. Individuals must maintain and submit evidence of satisfactory completion of a program of continuing education and are required to have professional liability insurance in compliance with Kansas law.
Special Permits (aka Out of Phase permit) KSA 65-2811a A special permit is issued to a person to practice the appropriate branch of the healing arts, under the supervision of a person licensed to practice such branch of the healing arts, to any person who has completed undergraduate training in a branch of the healing arts and who has not engaged but will be in a full-time approved postgraduate training program. The special permit shall not authorize the permittee to engage in the private practice of the healing arts. The permittee shall not charge patients a fee for services rendered but may be compensated directly by the person under who supervises and sponsors the permittee. The special permit shall expire on the day the person holding the special permit becomes engaged in a full-time, approved postgraduate training program or one year from its date of issuance, whichever occurs first.